Hilton Head from the skies sunset at Pinckney Island a perfect night the bird sanctuary sunset under the pier the day before Florence Remembering Stevens dad intense Bradley Beach sailors delight breakwall cloud reflections power the sun rise at Fish Haul bridge at may river Fish Haul at sunset morning cloud sunset at SeaPines Sunset at Fish Haul Beach Sunset at Fish Haul II sunset at Fish Haul Tower beach at sunset Sunset at Tower beach wall you need is love the waves up close energy 1 storm coming at the sunrise Hula Falls popsicle princess Jackson balloon show Jackson Balloon festival Jackson balloon Jackson Balloon festival II sunset at Manistee lighthouse at sunset in Manestee rocky shore boathouse inlet along a path view of Coeur de Arlene from the bay Matthai botanical gardens botanical gardens bench the gardens and the picket fence mums_ Trudys Passion a bucket of peppers nestled in 009 the face of the sunflower iris iluminated the shadow of a tulip cactus flower illuminated bird of paradise in black butterfly beauty grapevines lady and the mum trilogy pond lilies Lotus lilies_9018 lilypods 2 pink lilies lilypads fall in the lilypond lilypads like pancakes the curl of fall lilies in the frog pond the pod and the lily lilies without the flowers fall lilies the family of lilies a pathway near the river Stinchfield canopy liner woods the path between pines maple leaves hocking hills woods Hell Michigan birch stand the path to the lake foggy morning the strength in numbers Stinchfield woods sunlight coming thru the woods there is heaven and it shines down early Saturday morning I Early Saturday morning II Sun coming thru birch tree stand Stinchfield in summer Hocking Hills 2 willimington woods moss rocks in the mountains pax creek Wormsloe Plantation hocking Hills 8 Hocking Hills 6 Hocking Hills 3 Maryland woods 2 Maryland Woods 3 Hocking Hills 5 Maryland woods 1 binder park a thick woods in Stone mountain woods thicket carpet of green Stone Mountain woods somewhere in West Virgina swamp trail end of summer along a path at the preserve 3 trees in Plymouth Seapines preserve fresh air camp in winter Dexter tree in winter big snow on pinetree Scio Road in Winter holding on tight we find strength in our roots birds nest with a single egg owl eyes tiger in the water tiger with a ball baby raccoon monarch and the milkweed bunny and bows curious fawn momma and baby at Torch Lake Julio the eye of the donkey bull in a china shop curosity and the fox kit baby fox Jack and Wendy so much fun areilles duck young bull moose taking a dip chimp red panda wading on the Huron River unicycles on parade pinckney pink skies.img.0054 pinckney pink skies.img 0053 dragon flying at sunset Chelsea bridge HHP bridge coastal creek the dock at Stein Maryland Historical Magnolia Plantation the pier at sunrise Cove lake dock Simsonville Bch Mackinaw bicycle Mackinaw bridge Taquamon falls Taquamonon Falls Niagra falls Niargra Falls from above pictured rocks Italian marina The alley in Corktown graffeti wall tucked in for the winter Duck weed walking thru the marsh path from here to eternity rolling in flat waves at sunrise sunset in seaoats shrimp boat at sunset Marshgrass on the sound sunrise at fish haul all these shells washed up oyster shells around the bend at HHP the nub Jurassic forest palm frond live oaks st magnolis Live Oaks with spanish moss wildlife swamp red bridge fallen tree  II fern floor COWS EAR if I look this way will you go away under the broad river pink skies on fish haul last morning in HHI Mitchelleville beach in the shift sunset at the boardwalk Auckland, NZ Paradise, NZ coming from Wellington, NZ New Zealand sailboat the back side of stone mountain the skies are alive treefarm in Tennessee mountainview just down this lane.... mountain side lone tree around the bend at Dexter Train on Nixon Traintracks in Detroit man on the tracks bridge in NC Dhuvarren tracks train tracks jack frost lane Huron River Drive in Fall the painting of fall another bend Dexter Mill riverbed crew team small lane Virginia treetops magical garden Cove Lake, KY The falls_5558 rock face at Hocking Hills around the bend at Hocking Hills HHP pond sunrise at Folly Ripples at sunset slippery sand sunrise on Folly Wexford sunrise On Golden pond dunes at Driessen up and down boardwalk wishbone Estes Park, Colorado Top of Estes Flatirons Pinckney wildlife tall palmetto fronds into the woods come this way along the path early morning in HHI gentle gliding Fred and Maude orange koi the koi pond at the westin koi and bubbles koi pond fancy tail koi II someday I want to be big wagon full of puppies bouginvillia asters butterfly on statis Stowe lake West Michigan in fall Michigan football at the big house Ann Arbor in fall Gregory, Michigan Chelsea overlooking silver lake Novi, Michigan clouds on the lake freighter in the Detroit River Baloon over the lake Toledo botanical gardens ginger woods mountain scape trees lined up Maryland hills Maryland sheepfield shelf cloud on Fish Haul the pollinator 0817 the parade of sunflowers 026 Steves field of sunshine the bluedrops of sunflowers all that sunshine Domino fields the backside of sunshine 007 domino fields II getting the last bit_094 baby woodchuck ready to pounce sleepy fox kit growing out of the rocks the opening to the unknown slid down the mountain days end in the clearing West Virginia creek the bend in the creek the search the long road to where tidepool in the mountain morning light in Kentucky hocking hills everglades farm road off a turn tri farm over the bend the road leading away the arbor of trees fencepost beautiful fields of green the bug and the balls some call them weeds peopnies in spring snow magnolias peony _0244 pink lily captured water about to bloom about to bloom II fall Lilypond 1 in a million peaceful tranquility perfect green perfect for a prince of a frog the curl up the stack up pond of wonder the pods swansong the purple pad lilies in duckweed so many pads clouds in the lilies painted lady in black parot tulip in white hollyhock in white white band of happiness Jacks pulpet in white laughing bird just the neck fern the sweet clover bunnytails _2973 a bunnytake single cactus flower in pink double cactus flower azalia up close lightening a gal and her dog double funnel cloud funnel cloud and the family out for a stroll rainbow over the water fish jump turtle resting alligator at Pinckney 2 alligator at Pinckney 3 Alligator on the beach DEATH ROLL little gator with a big appetite pure gold the glory of morning here she comes almost space sun above the clouds linear sunrise gulls fly at dawn sunrise here she comes just coming up greeting the day sea meets shore sunrise at Mitchelleville bch, SC there she goes the blanket of water the curl begins when sun comes ashore the roll into shore the last of the day bubbles and ripples seasalt copper wave lavawater water and shore part of the dock salt bubbles colligny at sunset the dock greets the morning shrimpboat Dukes walk Hudsons pink skies where creek meets the ocean marshgrass at sunrise clouds on the tide driftwood I driftwood II sun rays ohio sunrise Florida sunset which way do I go? beach sign green marsh grass with clouds its all pink when the sun goes down king tide pink skies marina jacks newport sunset Newport sailboat in the sunset I pink waters moored magical skies in Newport under the bridge sun setting over the bridge the Marina in Wisconsin moored boats the dingy the buoy wall at Block Island .Aini's beach Ainis beach Rhode Island Lighthouse rockwalk in Block Island at Ida Lewis race in Newport race in Newport II coming about all lined up skull morning row U of M rowing team quiet morning the endeavor boston Harbor lobster dock canal in Newport in the harbor clouds in the harbor Sailboat docked the harbour rhode island harbor at sunrise slip reflection tucked in for the night in the harbor, RI sunset in Rhode Island Vancouver harbor Sallys buddy donkey in fall Sally at Dominos shells at low tide stones Sea Kelp Ainis rocks II farmhouse in Wisconsin creekbed at Hocking Hills Hocking Hills I Hocking Hills 4 Hocking Hills 7 209-24-113 backyard haze low branches zebra stripe the power of 1 young deer on the path 3 deer at tower fawn hiding fawn baby hiding behind mom deer at sunset fripp deer caught in his tracks watching the sunset Seapines evening Buck at Tower deer at Tower deer at the beach deer at Water Tower beach not afraid fripp deer He is certain I can't see him rocks underwater marsh grass floating uprooted New Zealand Surfer In the harbor the swirl of the sandbar mitchelville shift beneath the surface flatwater submerged manatee one drop goes forever when shore meets wave creeping onshore salt bubbles sea foam beach level clouds in the wave rolling in aggressive wave smooth into shore the sun pushing it to shore when the waves cross sliding in on the backside of a wave ripples the rumble still morning tide out where is waldo a boy and the sea tide pool the seagul school of minnows minnows turtle swimming grouper stiing rays shrimp fest spikes haul jelly blobs jelly on the beach nautilus love on the beach crab hole leaf after a storm jellies jellies in blue the long tenticles of the jelly blue lighted jelly the length of a jelly beach fence in Wilmington Rainbow at fishhaul Mitchellville Rainbow rainbow in the morning Rainbow at Kaikoura Rainbow on the water Zeeb Road Rainbow pot of gold On Bradley beach New Zealand rainbow Moonbow in Kentucky on a hilltop in NZ Manestee lighthouse Manestee lighthouse 2 winter at South Haven sunset in Manistee II Near  Port Huron South Haven in winter Mackinaw lighthouse Manestee Holland windmill At Pinckney Pier Lake Michigan Fripp Island boardwalk Bradley Beach The spa Pier at sunrise The Pier after a rain Over the Huron Hudson Mills bradley boardwalk Fish Haul bridge VA beach II VA beach Out to the beach 0754 under the pier Magnolia red bridge the woods near the Huron detour in Virginia Iowa country road farm lane in North Carolina near the tracks in A2 into fairyland early morning fog at the the dam Near the apolitile islands, Wisconsin Wisconsin in fall Wisconsin highway Wisconsin fly fisher on the River maryland pathway clouds on the marsh pax the Arb near the river in Fall Glenns trees itsy bitsy spider web North Carolina tobacco shack Dexter barn North Carolina lean to Winston Salem Chelsea along 94 Winston Salem picnic spot glenns woods ivy in fall firebush firebush not quite early morning on Stein fog on the pond foggy morning in North Carolina Mill in Kalamazoo grist mill in Brown County grist mill in West Virginia clipped hayfield huron river Delhi On Joy Road donovan road in fall Donavan Road Joy Road Along the Huron River from Delhi  bank Hudson Mill Hudson Mill 2 Hudson Mill 3 Huron River Bank Near Battle Creek reflections waiting for the cranes japanese maple pin oak by lake Michigan pile of leaves Sutherlands Muskegeon Park yellow treetops bird hill Huron River in early morning 3 Plymouth maples Apple tree at the farm Lake Superior up North Huron River reflections Lake Superior at dawn Foster bridge lookout torch Lake woods Joy Road concrete fence sturgeon lake Glenns pond Ann Arbor trail early morning reflection Botanical gardens knarly tree Milkweed about to fly Milkweed at sunset tobacco barn crains roosting for the night Boyston creek Warren Road A2 trail 2 Warren Road 2 early morning walk with an old dog hayfield the trail in the woods sledding the boys playing in the snow 3 trees in winter 3 trees on Scio donnavan road in winter chelsea schoolhouse snowfence flaggstaff winter scene Barton Dam lake Michigan in winter sycamore in winter the barn I used to play in straight thru barn draft horses in winter 4 amigos joes mare new baby painted colt Max to the rescue white horse smarty jones tired baby newport polo newport polo ii apple blossum the queen lace daisy morning glory Queen Anne Lace field 1 Queen Anne Lace field 2 wisteria I wisteria II new hydrangia pink hydrangia bleeding heart spring in the Arboretum Tennessee hillside stone mountain misty hillside in Tennessee storm coming near Cave Creek Azalias in Beaufert old azalia farm pathways of bloom the azalias are everywhere a cluster of azalias the pagoda green butterfly nectar drink orange butterfly dtill butterfly flit to that leopard butterfly on the butterfly plant tiger lilies denver tulips at attention field of tulips appleblossum iris at Torch Lake snapdragons in the field wilmington woods birch woods up North Michigan Virginia pear trees along the fence driveway in Dexter mushroom in the woods mayapples in the woods the long line of mayapples in the backyard in spring bird hill in spring Binder park mayapples along the Huron River spring corn smokey mtn rocks waterfall on moss rocks smokey mountain trail gaitlinberg woods the walking tree the liftup of trees the rocky pathway in the woods of the Smokeys beware of the bears creek near Delhi peach mountain magnolia gardens in spring dandilion mane making a wish passion flower carols iris purple Iris magnolia gardens pathway bullfrog standing ground squirrel fallen in Willington back at the fresh air camp sunflowers along the pacific toledo gardens toledo gardens storyteller toledo gardens cranbrook long line  of geese gosling blue mountains honeycomb craters on Dunedin, NZ waves crashing in NZ angry seas reflective mountains New Zealand farm ellenton i ellentonII queenstown coming into wellington queenstown view out my window paradise kaikoura Kentucky waterfall rockwalk Oregon waterfall Wisconsin waterfall the seals play here taquamon falls boulder falls hula falls at the front near the seals waterfall at North Island Hocking Hills in Spring Cave Creek brown county falls Oregon ocean view Rainbow falls in Kentucky the roaring river Rainbow falls II Rainbow falls III looking for the pot of gold at Rainbow falls Cataract Falls in Brown County Wisconsin river Oregon falls Canon Beach Canon Beach mound Canon Beach, Oregon the Barton Bend on the way home San Diego drive near waterloo Iowa farm farmfields graduation at the big house The grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Michigan Cincinatti at 2 am the lighting of the fountain Savannah at night Mt. Rushmore the lop little bunny the happy couple Bradley the bunny pig in the snow Kensington Pig little guy Curly When pigs almost fly baaaaaa New Zealand flock Chelse herd in the snow they all look the same way...like sheep binder giraffe in the field of giraffes New Zealand tiger New Zealand tiger on the prowl lion in a cage at the cat house Detroit Lion splish splash he was taking a bath how now brown bear Polar bear with one tooth swimming polar say ahhhhh wallaby come this way no that way hop higher smiling tortoise why did the turtle cross the road? along a walk I met an aligator I spy with my little eye from Estes Park Colorado mountains grand lake grand lake II estes in the winter golden Colorado durango flatirons the bottom of estes in the flatirons heading up the mountain at Estes the meadow before the mountain growing from the rock creekbed at the Denver gardens way up the mountains rocky river grand lake sweetpeas near the flatirons the meadow the valley so high up the switchbacks near Durango flatirons II Crested Butte the switchbacks red rock canyon more red rock way up Estes growing out of the rock in the valley go climb a mountain high above the clouds estes where the deer and the antelop roam the sound of music farm fence a field of flowers and a broken down gate sunset in Colorado the young bull moose hiding in the brush swimming elk the wading elk purple thistle dandy hydrangia dalia way up high hiding behind a branch shy raccoon heading for dinner everglades raccoon on the everglades ride we find this just a handful raccoon 3 cow in Virginia cow snout mom and baby handsome herford daisy the holstein the brat pack curious baby what are you doing in my pasture brown betty hello? in the barnyard african cow 2 african cows crying cow cow in the mist its gonna rain 3 musketeers 5 little babies all lined up MOOOOOO the domino calf nibbles bamboo Ibis on the rail Ibis meeting great horned pelican turkey love flock of turkeys white peacock white splendor white beauty rooster swan on Barton Sebra at Busch gardens Orangetun with blanket lemer with celery Colobus macaque baby chimp gorilla gorilla 2 gorilla 3 juvinile gorilla underwater hippo underwater hippo II elephant shower swimming elephant swimming baby elephant playtime fun in the pool blowing bubbles underwater bull elephant getting tired carasol marbles up up and away balloon fest U of M balloon wagon wheel battle creek sunset paradise, NZ sheepfield end of the day over Kentucky Auckland sheepfield Flowers and the picket fence abandoned ship the  lower falls when the water shifts at Fish haul pledge the pink tata fence Virginia beach appleblossums blue hydrangias if petals were people the single petal field of hollys cliff flowers along the pacific Runucula field runucula fields in Carlesbad, CA Yellow flowers along the pacific Torrey Pines dalia  with dewdrops runuculas in red runucula orange in the middle pink beauties spring beauties pure joy pods off a palm fall pods fish hail beach, SC the marsh and oyster beds dunes in the morning marsh grass in late spring untethered winding down all quiet on the North Shore there were clouds in my coffee where the alligators roam lilly streams around the bend at savannah refuge Cincinati fountain bubble wand Gilligan please thow it Gilligan swimming tucker waiting for Glenn Happy boy the candy shoppe in Savannah marshmellow dips white chocolate strawberies pralines oysters antique jars in a dusty window peppers red peppers celery garlic carrots decorative cabbage pink cabbage purple cabbage the arrangement the band of cabbage potatoes turnips turnips 2 radish toamtoes jade chili peppers chili's red hot peppers chard onions garlic tied up chard brocolli green onion roots sunflower oil basket gourds chard brussel sprouts ponytail plant turnips beans beans the magical fruit kidney beans black eyed peas beans black eyed peas II vinegar okra red hot chilis radishes chard_3457 historical parrish longbay foyer longbay kitchen Go USA Gears the headlights of a 55 the grill fancy bumper the little red car all that jazz bucket of zinneas rhododendrons pink zinnea the pollinator toledo sunshine morning glory pats posey zinnea the guitar and the rose stacked mushroom flamingo parrot the golden baby just hanging time for a nap fox kit under the deck wrestling kits baby kit really little kit nap time from under the deck curosity of the kit about to jump just watching the thinking fox baby kit 1 apple blossum the  tiger lily tulip holland tulip wisteria purple beauty bugenvillia beach in Middletown block island rocks block island lighthouse block island mansion cemetery built in rocks the cove rock beach on the bike trail the long walk down ainis aunts house peach mountain up near Torch Lake torch lake woods 2 birches Thanksgiving parade send in the clowns santa clown NANANA BOO BOO EAT CAKE tiger lilies_8976 Lily A Lily B Lily C